The grassy lawn behind Statens Museum for Kunst, the national gallery. Copenhagen sports a grassy space like this almost around every corner and Danes love the sun. It's so refreshing. Copenhagen is simply the greenest city in the world. It's a comfortable 40 minutes around the placid lakes a few blocks away and the trails are popular. The major parks like Kongens Haven are large and full of nude or half-nude sunbathers, runners, cyclists, baby carriages (so many baby carriages I feel like I should get one just to fit in). On the streets army wagons circle for days filled with inebriated high schoolers wearing their
studenterhue. According to the Google translated Danish wikipage, it's bad luck to wear your
studenterhue (graduation cap) before your last exam, students write their last exam's grade on the lining and the student with the biggest or smallest head buys a round for their classmates. Skål.
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